

1301 Uppsatser om Home Automation - Sida 1 av 87

Det Intelligenta Huset : - En studie i hemautomation

Today all buildings contain some form of Home Automation. It might be heating controlled by athermostat or motion detectors controlling outdoor lighting.This paper,The Intelligent House, deals with the planning of a house in Kiruna, in the north ofSweden and further immerses itself in Home Automation or intelligent control in single-familyhomes. The house has been entirely planned, from layout to structural design and plumbing.The purpose of the paper has been to investigate the possibilities in Home Automation in singlefamilyhomes and to choose a suitable Home Automation system for the house being planned.The system has been designed and the costs and energy savings have been calculated.The system chosen for the house is called KNX and is the largest system for Home Automation inSweden. It is used to control heating, ventilation, lighting and alarm systems in the house. Is hasbeen found that KNX is very expensive and that the amount of energy, possible to save in thehouse, using the system, is relatively small.

Utveckling av ett öppet Home Automation-protokoll för användning över IP-nätverk

Detta arbete tar upp utvecklingen av ett nytt protokoll för användning inom Home Automation över IP-nätverk, med stor vikt på flexibilitet och enkelhet. Vi valde att utveckla ett nytt protokoll för Home Automation då en granskning av dagens protokoll visar att dessa inte är tillräckligt öppna eller flexibla för att passa alla enheter som används eller alla scenarion som kan uppstå.I våra litteraturstudier samlades information in som skapade grunderna för vårt protokoll och gav oss en större inblick i teknikerna bakom dagens tekniker inom Home Automation. Detta gav oss även möjlighet att senare jämföra vårt färdiga protokoll med redan existerande protokoll för att se om vi lyckats skapa något som kan användas. Metoden vi valde för att utveckla protokollet är en generell designmetod där vi efter granskningen av tidigare protokoll tar fram ett antal punkter som det nya protokollet skall uppnå. Det visade sig dock vara problematiskt att få fram svar om vissa protokoll så vi frångick metoden genom att istället utveckla protokollet utefter ett antal olika scenarion som det bör kunna hantera.Resultatet av arbetet är ett protokoll som uppfyllde nästan alla mål vi satt upp för det.

Hemautomation : Spara energi genom att automatisera hemmet

In today's society there is a significant focus on energy efficiency. Despite this, people leave lamps, televisions and computer screens etc. powered on unnecessarily. The goal of this project is to build a simple prototype for Home Automation where a user, via an application on a mobile phone, can switch on and off the power of an electrical products in the home and as well as being able to check whether such products are switched on or off. The prototype will also collect data on power consumption for these electrical products.

Fo?rstudie fo?r automatisering av skateboardtillverkning

This report is based on a thesis that was carried out during spring 2012. The report covers the development of a preliminary study to Performance Sk8. The purpose of the study is to facilitate and contribute inspiration to Performance Sk8 to run an automation project to bring home their production to Sweden from China. The reason is to gain a greater ability to control quality, produce smaller batches and reduce the cycle time to reduce costs.The goal is that the preliminary study shall meet the requirements and wishes Performance Sk8 and other partners defined. The pre study will contain different cost proposals for the automation of selected process and serve as a basis for procurement of the equipment.The pre study has resulted in some proposed solutions to the various steps required to automate Performance Sk8 ?s production.


Det problem som denna uppsats hade för avsikt att besvara var varför hemautomation inte används i fler hem. Genom resultaten från en enkät som distribuerades kunde slutsatsen att kostnaden för de befintliga lösningar som finns på marknaden idag inte låg i den prisklass våra respondenter ansåg rimlig. Författarna utvecklade då problemet och ställde sig frågan om en hemautomationslösning verkligen måste ha en så hög kostnad som de befintliga lösningarna har idag. För att belysa detta problem implementerades en egen kostnadseffektiv lösning där respondenternas mest önskvärda funktioner togs i beaktande och en testmiljö implementerades utefter dessa. Resultatet blev en hemautomationslösning med stor potential och med en betydligt lägre kostnad än dagens befintliga lösningar..

Teststrategier och användning av testautomation : En studie utförd på företaget Extenda AB

In today?s IT world where software is constructed in a rapid pace, testing has become a crucial area to master when testing has to be done at a greater speed. To still be able to handle the demands of high quality software, companies have to spend more resources on testing and introduce test automation. By automating test cases the testers can gain time which they can spend on doing more complex testing and thereby increase the quality of the software.In this thesis we have helped Extenda AB, who delivers systems to retail companies, to introduce test automation in one of their customer specific projects. This has been done using their own in-house ?capture/replay? tool ECP (Extenda Cashier Player).We have also derived a process that explains how Extenda can introduce test automation on other customer projects.

På väg mot en elektronisk era: En fallstudie av automatiseringen på Makerere University Library, Kampala, Uganda

This thesis is a case study which describes the automation of a university library in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of the case study is, firstly; to find out which actors and factors have started and influenced the automation and the implementation of ICT at Makerere University Library in Kampala, Uganda. Secondly; it also discusses if the automation has changed the librarys condition. The empirical material consists of fifteen interviews with librarians and students. The empirical material itself has functioned as a base when discerning the analytical themes.

Förstudie för automatisering av manuell lödning

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Enertech AB in Ljungby and is pilot study to automating all current manual soldering. The soldering process accounts for a large part of the processing cost in the production of a heat pump. The process is also a quality risk and has a major impact on the lifetime of the final product.The Main task of this project has been to evaluate automation of the soldering process, to develop automation solutions and a principle layout, to draw the design changes required for the automation and to calculate the supposed solution.This pilot study has resulted in a suggested automation solution using laser as a heat source for soldering. Calculations of the solution show that a automating a laser soldering cell is very profitable..

Två presentationstekniker för grafer : deras styrkor respektive svagheter inom en bioinformatisk kontext

This degree project has been carried out in cooperation with Enertech AB in Ljungby and is pilot study to automating all current manual soldering. The soldering process accounts for a large part of the processing cost in the production of a heat pump. The process is also a quality risk and has a major impact on the lifetime of the final product.The Main task of this project has been to evaluate automation of the soldering process, to develop automation solutions and a principle layout, to draw the design changes required for the automation and to calculate the supposed solution.This pilot study has resulted in a suggested automation solution using laser as a heat source for soldering. Calculations of the solution show that a automating a laser soldering cell is very profitable..

Att komma hem : Coming home

In this essay I analyze the meaning of the concepts home and at home and the feeling of coming home. What is a home and what different interpretations are there regarding the concepts of home and being at home? What kinds of feelings are aroused by coming home? The world we live in offers great opportunities to travel, which in itself creates a perspective on the meanings of the concepts. The world we live in also forces people to move from their homes, families and countries due to various reasons, which creates various problems and a certain urgency concerning the concepts. I describe basic terms concerning the concepts, both regarding concrete definitions and more abstract notions, and then compare them with my own reflections.         Based on my writing project Coming home I discuss these questions in various ways.

Aktörer och artefakter : Ett samtida perspektiv på bibliotek och automatisering

This bachelor thesis examines the activities and values associated with automation and technical development at four Swedish research libraries. It does so by applying textual analysis to annual reports and job advertisements from the respective libraries. The study also questions whether some assumptions of automation have changed or remain over time, and includes a short historical discussion in relation to the contemporary analysis. As an added perspective it introduces the methods and philosophies of French sociologist Bruno Latour. The author reflects on the merits of Latour in research of library automation.

INDUSTRIELL AUTOMATION : Behov och möjligheter med ökad användning av internationella standarder i tillverkningsindustrin

Standarder används i alla organisationer som en frivillig överenskommelse om att lösa ett återkommande problem eller en rekommendation på ett arbetssätt.Standarder inom industriell automation SIS/TK 279 har använts inom tillverkningsindustrin under lägre tid men pga. många faktorer begränsades dess användning.Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vilka faktorer som orsakades de nuvarande begränsningarna och hur skulle kunna reducera både tid och kostnader genom att nyttja dessa standarder, och på så sätt demonstrera behovet av standarder för industriell automation. Genom att använda sig av kvalitativa metoder skall kartläggningen ge en överblick av de befintliga internationella standarderna inom industriell automation . Behovsinventering skall ske genom att intervjua aktiva personer inom automation och litteratur studie. Sedan skall föreslås hur olika standarder för industriell automation kan fylla behovsgap och öppna upp för nya möjligheter inom den svenska tillverkningsindustrin.Analysen resulterades i de nuvarande begränsningsproblem som orsakades av följande; Bristande kunskaper om standarder som förekommer i alla delar av näringslivet. Bristandande resurser i form av brist på kunniga personer och ekonomiska hinder.Svårigheter för tolkning och tillämpning av standarder.Ovanstående och många andra faktorer minskar intresset för deltagning och framtagning av nya standarder inom industriell automation.

Automation i Distributionsnät

As a part of Göteborg Energi?s work towards a smarter electric grid, the company has chosen to investigate the possibilities of automation in their middle voltage grid. In Europe, there are example cases where these technologies already are installed which many articles on the CIRED conference 2011 proved. Netcontrol Oy in Finland has, together with Tekla, created an automated SCADA system that Vattenfall in Finland today uses. The grid mainly consists of 10 kV open loop fed city grid and this automation is mainly designed for this type of grid.

Framtagning av en utvecklingsprocess för automation - baserat på konceptet Lean Automation

Due to the globalization today the competition in the market has in- creased and it requires flexibility and produce according to customer demand. In order to reduce the cost of wages industrial companies are now considering moving the manufacturing to low-cost countries. To keep up with the competition in the market without moving the manu- facturing abroad, Lean Automation was developed. The concept of Lean Automation is to reduce the perceived complexity with automa- tion and make automation available for new users and in new applica- tions.Haldex Brake Products are situated in Sweden and want to maintain the manufacturing of the automatic brake adjusters in the country. It is a product well-known and highly exposed to the competition in the mar- ket.

"Inte mitt arbete...men det hänger på mig" : Hemtjänstpersonalens uppfattningar av sitt arbete i hemsjukvården

The proportion of elderly people in Sweden is increasing. Many of these live at home and as their age increases so does the likelihood of health problems and the need for support, medical attention and care. Personnel working with home help provide a large part of this care, including areas of home-based care that are the responsibility of the district nurse. The purpose of this paper is to describe how home-help personnel perceive their work in the area of home-based care, as their views are an important factor in the ability to provide a care system that funktions successfully. The method employed here is phenomenografic and nine subjects from a home-help group have been interviewed.

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